DieHard Is Back
Art Director, Design - 2020
Though they’d already technically owned the esteemed battery brand for a year or so before, Advance Auto Parts was looking for a big and buzz idea to relaunch the famed automotive battery brand in 2020. I was on a team that took one look at that big ol’ car battery, and asked… “Does that remind you of anything?”
So yes, I was on the team that brought Bruce Willis back to “DieHard.”
Due to the magic of not renewing celebrity license rights, most of the work I did for this project’s been scrubbed from the internet. Point of sale, internal digital channels, social posts… just poof. However, AdWeek did credit me in their writeup on the spot. So it happened, I promise.
And if you wanna check it out, you can watch the full film out in the case study below!
Oh hell yeah my first ADWEEK mention gets a CAPTION.